Warm up on a stationary bike for five minutes before each training session. This routine should familiarize you with some solid exercises. Strict adherence to this routine can result in significant gains in size and strength in a relatively short amount of time. This entire routine, including cardio, should take about 60 minutes. Emphasize smooth movements and proper form. The amount of weight used should only be of secondary concern.
Leg Presses: 3 Sets x 12 Reps
Leg Curls: 2 Sets x 12 Reps
Standing Calf Raises: 2 Sets x 12Reps
Flat Barbell Bench Presses:
2 Sets x 10 Reps
Barbell Shoulder Presses:
2 Sets x 10 Reps
Front Pulldowns: 2 Sets x 10 Reps
Barbell Rows: 2 Sets x 10 Reps
Barbell Curls:
2 Sets x 10 Reps
Lying Tricep Extensions:
2 Sets x 10 Reps
Ab Crunches: 2 Sets x 10 Reps
Aerobic Training: 20 minutes of low intensity aerobic
Monday: ON Tuesday: OF Wednesday: REPEAT Thursday: OFF Friday: REPEAT Saturday: OFF Sunday: OFF
Training Routine #2
Cycle: 6-Day Split Routine, Two Days On,
Cycle: One Day Off, One Day On, Two Days Off, Repeat.
Level: Intermediate To Advanced
Goal: Muscle Strength And Size
This is a general outline, not including warm-up sets. Be sure to stretch thoroughly before training. I make sure Im totally prepared for heavy sets, and may do two to four lighter sets before the max sets to prepare physically and mentally. From week to week, reps may also change, as well as the order of exercises (e.g., shrugs and deadlifts before rows and chins on back day). While I use heavy weights, I make sure to do my exercises as strictly and safely as possible. My pre-contest and off-season weight training routines are similar. Because of the added motivation of an upcoming contest, I'll generate more intensity, with a more conscious effort towards contracting the muscles. I may drop or add exercises, but these changes will be relatively minor. I strive to handle the same weights I would in the off-season, as this is crucial to maintaining muscle during a pre-contest period.
Monday: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
Incline Bench Presses: 2 Sets X 8 Reps
Dumbbell Presses: 2 Sets X 8 Reps
Incline Flyes: 2 Sets X 8 Reps
Flat Bench Presses: 2 Sets X 8 Reps
Cable Crossovers: 2 Sets X 15 Reps
Machine Rear Laterals: 3 Sets X 10 Reps
Side Laterals: 3 Sets X 10 Reps
Machine Laterals: 3 Sets X 10 Reps
Seated Presses: 2 Sets X 6 Reps
Overhead Tricep Extensions: 3 Sets X 12 Reps
Lying Tricep Extensions: 3 Sets X 12 Reps
Ab Crunches: 3 Sets X 15 Reps
Tuesday: Legs/Calves
Squats: 4 Sets X 6-15 Reps
Lying Leg Curls: 4 Sets X 15 Reps
Sissy Squats: 4 Sets X 15 Reps
Stiff Leg Deadlifts: 4 Sets X 15 Reps
Standing Calf Machine: 4 Sets X 15 Reps
Seated Calf Raises: 4 Sets X 15 Reps
Reverse Ab Crunches: 3 Sets X 15 Reps
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: Back/Biceps
Barbell Rows: 3 Sets X 6-8 Reps
Dumbbell Rows: 3 Sets X 8 Reps
Seated Cable Rows: 3 Sets X 10 Reps
Chins: 3 Sets To Failure
Deadlifts: 2 Sets X 6-8 Reps
Shrugs: 4 Sets X 15 Reps
Preacher Curls: 3 Sets X 8 Reps
Seated Dumbbell Curls: 3 Sets X 8 Reps
Ab Rope Crunches: 3 Sets X 15 Reps
Friday: OFF Saturday: OFF Sunday: REPEAT
Training Routine #3
CYCLE: Two Days On, One Day Off, One Day On, One Day Off, One Day On, One Day Off
LEVEL: Intermediate
GOAL: Muscle Size And Strength
With my basic movements, I never fall below 8-10 reps. I want my major muscle groups to work hard and grow. The actual amount of weight I use is always secondary. Concentrate on getting a the right contraction and burn. The pump is whats important. So pay attention: strict form is extremely important.